
Arsaxis spring 2022

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Arsaxis spring 2022

Ars Axis, a magazine covering the fields of art and visual culture, aiming to contribute to the Cyprus and international art scene with artistic thought, criticism and studies, and especially to build a bridge between European and Middle Eastern art, is published and edited by Ümit İnatçı.

According to the statement made by Ümit İnatçı Art Center, the multilingual magazine, whose common language is English, will be distributed primarily in Cyprus, as well as in Italy, England, Turkey and Iran.

The following information was shared about the magazine in the statement:

“The magazine, which will also be distributed to certain art centers and museums in the world, will play an important role in introducing Cypriot art to the world and world art to Cyprus.

Ars Axis, which will be published quarterly with seasonal issues, will include texts and works by competent art critics and artists, while also featuring young artists and writers who produce quality work. Bruno Cora and Aldo Iori from Italy, Ali Akay, Emre Zeytinoğlu and İsmet Değirmenci from Turkey, Yiannis Toumazis and Ümit İnatçı from Cyprus, who contributed to the first issue, will continue to contribute to the other issues of the magazine. The magazine's writer roster will grow with each issue. This issue, which includes works by Nuvolo Ascani from Italy, Klaus Münch from Germany, Server Demirtaş from Turkey, Aydin Agdashloo from Iran and Ümit İnatçı from Cyprus, also includes interviews about the Nicosia Pieridis Art Foundation and the Arkın Auguste Rodin Collection.

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