As we were late for the fourth issue of Ars Axis, we added the fifth and came out with an even numbered compilation. Again, we have to come up with two issues in one. Engaging in a high culture activity in Cyprus requires effort beyond self-sacrifice. I un dertake all publishing processes of the mag azine myself. Even though I have difficulty in publishing the magazine on my own behalf as the publisher, after this issue, I will make sure to publish the magazine every three months, as always. Ars Axis now has a fa mily of readers, and out of respect for that, it will be my duty to continue publishing as long as possible. Ars Axis now has a family of readers, and out of respect for that, it will be my duty to continue publishing as long as possible. We receive encouraging and at the same time pleasing criticism about our magazine. This appreciation keeps our en thusiasm alive. As we said in the last issue, we are aware that Ars Axis art magazine, which does not have popular concerns and tries to offer a high culture opportunity, has a very narrow readership.
Arsaxis Volume: 6-7 / 2024