
Arsaxis Autumn 2022

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Arsaxis Autumn 2022

We are in front of the readers again with the third issue of Ars Axis. In the presenta tion text of our second issue, we said, “the ontological relationship between the artist and the work, the authoritarian relationship between the artist and art institutions, and the anthropological relationship between art and society are relations that need to be re-evaluated through a new understanding of civilization”. While the transitional space between art and visual culture expands with many disciplines, the autonomy position of the artist is narrowing. While we have to face such a reality, with what kind of con sciousness the artist can contribute to intel lectual production it is an important ques tion before us. Our journal aims to publish with an understanding that does not care about the “market” and considers original ity and competence rather than popularity. The fact that my artist personality and my understanding of the publisher correspond to each other in a way that confirms each other is a situation that I pay attention.


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